
Auto Time Adjuster

Auto Time Adjuster (ATA) is an essential plugin delay compensation (PDC) tool designed to enhance the precision and timing of audio tracks in digital audio workstations like Pro Tools. It operates by measuring actual latencies from plugins and outboard gear, ensuring perfect synchronization and tightest alignment of all tracks in a mix.


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Auto Time Adjuster (ATA) is an advanced plugin delay compensation tool, initially crafted for use in Pro Tools LE 7 and 8 where built-in PDC was absent. As a vital tool in modern audio production, ATA supports newer versions of Pro Tools (9+/AAX) and continues to provide substantial benefits.

Key Features:

  • Extended Latency Limits: Supports latencies up to 50,000 samples, significantly higher than most built-in PDC systems.
  • Increased Accuracy: Directly measures the actual latency of each plugin and outboard insert rather than relying on reported values. This is achieved through a unique ‘ping’ system triggered from ATA on the master fader.
  • Comprehensive Synchronization: Once latencies are measured, ATA calculates and applies the necessary delays to each track or bus, aligning all elements for the tightest timing possible.
This plugin is inserted on each track, and with its sophisticated algorithms, it ensures that all components of your mix are perfectly synchronized, thereby enhancing the overall sound quality and clarity of your projects.


System Requirements

Ensure your system meets the following requirements for optimal performance:

Operating System:

  • Windows: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Mac: OS X 10.9+ 64-bit (Intel and ARM)


  • CPU: [CPU requirements]
  • Memory: [Memory requirements]
  • Storage: [Storage requirements]

All features have been thoroughly tested to ensure compatibility and performance across supported platforms.